
Bernier/Eliades Gallery

We are happy to show for the first time in Brussels a work of the renowned Belgian artist Martin Margiela on our BRAFA booth 011. Martin Margiela’s visual practice spans a broad range of media, including painting, sculpture, installation, collage and film. His works attest to his fondness for the overlooked and unconventional. Margiela magnifies both disruptions and poetic junctions, seeking beauty in the fleeting. He believes that objects are always in a state of transformation, and he is intrigued by the marks of time. Important sources of inspiration for the artist are the human body, epidermis and hair, as well as the urban environment as an infinite place of wonder. Margiela’s work is dedicated to the unknown and the surprising, in combination with an exceptional sensibility for materials...


Galerie Ary Jan - Goudji at BRAFA 2024

A specialist in 19th and early 20th century painting, Mathias Ary Jan is also guided by his own personal interests. In particular, he has been fascinated by the work of Goudji for many years, and during Brafa he will be offering around ten pieces by the artist, who will be celebrating 50 years of life and career in France in 2024. The silversmith delights us with his creations, which are full of poetry, deeply inspired and inspiring. Combining precious metals such as gold and silver with pyrite or cornelian stones, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, rock crystal or ebony, the artist has fashioned a whole world of everyday and decorative objects and jewellery over the years, as well as spectacular academician's swords and numerous cult objects.


Segoura Fine Art - Dossier de presse

The Galerie Segoura stand will be showcasing the treasures of 18th and 19th century European painting (by French, Belgian, Italian and Spanish painters). The gallery is keen to showcase 18th-century paintings, and will be exhibiting four works by Charles-François Lacroix, known as LACROIX de MARSEILLE (Marseille 1700-1782 Berlin), a major 18th-century painter renowned for his detailed seascapes, and a sublime Portuguese harbour landscape by Jean Pillement (1728-1808).  Eighteenth-century landscape painting is a major focus of the BRAFA exhibition, with works by Hubert Robert, known for his landscapes, architectural scenes, picturesque ruins and mysterious, evocative atmospheres. 

19th-century works include landscapes, genre scenes, portraits and Symbolist paintings. An extraordinary work, unknown to the art market and exhibited for the first time: Allégories de la Force et du Droit, c. 1872, by Charles Revel (1829-1888) or the struggle of Prussia overthrowing France during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Charles Revel illustrates the words given to the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck: "Strength prevails over Law". He succeeded in sublimating the French defeat into a moral victory over an adversary caricatured by a carnivorous black eagle. Symbolism will also be represented by works by Jules Clarin, Nicolas-Auguste Laurens, Ange Supparo and others, as well as magnificent portraits by Franz-Xaver Winterhalter of the Countess Esher, the painter Aimée Brune-Pagès and Auguste Loustaunau. Finally, paintings depicting the Belle Époque and Parisian life: various portraits of Sarah Bernhardt, including one painted by Louise Abbema as an illustration...


Francis Maere Fine Arts - Highlights

The Galerie Francis Maere heeft het genoegen om u op de BRAFA 2024 een uitzonderlijke collectie Belgische en Europese schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken en werken op papier uit het begin van de XXe eeuw voor te stellen. De meeste werken zijn 'vers op de markt', d.w.z. dat ze al minstens 30 jaar niet meer op de markt zijn geweest. Ze hebben allemaal een onberispelijke herkomst en authenticiteitsdocumenten. Voor de surealisten, twee belangrijke schilderijen van Paul Delvaux (1897-1994) zetten de eregast "in de schijnwerpers" en een zeer interessant werk van de Frans-Russische schilder Léopold Survage (1879-1968), Raccomodeuses de filets uit 1929. Aan de Belgische kant, nog een zeer mooi werk van Léon Spilliaert (1891-1946), De vuurtoren van Oostende - gezien vanaf de pier bij nacht ca. 1907 en een prachtig schilderij van Anto Carte (1886-1954), De Acrobaat, geschilderd in de jaren 1920... Er worden ook enkele grote sculpturen van de Frans-Belgische kunstenaar Eugène Dodeigne (1923-2015) en twee grote bronzen beelden van de Belgische beeldhouwer Jean-Michel Folon (1934-2005) getoond. Een mooie selectie werken van Belgische meesters zoals Rik Wouters, Valerius De Saedeleer, Emile Claus, Théo Van Rysselberghe, Constant Permeke en Pol Bury. Voor de modern en hedendaagse artisten, worden tentoongesteld werken door Sam Francis, Christian Dotremont, Pierre Clerk, Hanneke Beaumont en Johan De Wit...



Galeries AB-BA - Cabinet de curiosité surréaliste

Pour le centenaire de la naissance du Surréalisme, les galeries AB-BA proposent un cabinet de curiosité réunissant, autour de l’oeuvre emblématique de Toyen L’oeuf, des oeuvres de Dominguez, Dali, Michaux, Goetz. Marie Čermínová dite Toyen (1902-1980), d’origine tchèque, adopte le diminutif de « citoyen », surnom qu’elle se donne pour montrer son attachement à la France où elle vivra de 1947 à sa disparition. Cette composition à la forme ovoïde, sujet majeur de l’imaginaire de Toyen, apparaît dès les années trente évoquant le pouvoir de la métamorphose. C’est de façon magistrale que Toyen réussit ici à annoncer la façon dont cette forme primordiale va peu à peu suggérer dans son oeuvre la présence d’un visage féminin masqué ou voilé. La partie inférieure de l’aquarelle n’est pas sans renvoyer à une origine organique sinon érotique de cette métamorphose. De ce dessin à l’encre, noire rouge, et peinture argentée sur carte murale arrachée se dégage à la fois sophistication et brutalité. L’encadrement d’origine en bois noir sculpté de style floral des années vingt, accentue le caractère mystérieux de cette oeuvre qu’elle a offert à son jeune protégé, Georges Goldfayn, assistant d'André Breton vers 1950 et qui n’a jamais quitté cette collection...


DIE GALERIE - Highlights at BRAFA 2024

Since 2015, the Frankfurt am Main-based gallery DIE GALERIE presents a programme at the BRAFA Art Fair that reflects the three pillars of its work: selected pieces by the masters of modern art, this time with a prominent focus on the sculptural work of Max Ernst; a first-class selection of paintings and works on paper by CoBrA artists; the expressive paintings of contemporary German artist Johannes Heisig and, with Louise Nevelson and Karl Otto Götz, two different abstract counter-positions from 20th century art...

Max Ernst (Brühl 1891-1976 Paris)
La forêt, 1925
Oil on canvas
100 x 81 cm


Harold t'Kint de Roodenbeke - Highlights

Harold t'Kint de Roodenbeke is delighted to present at BRAFA 2024 a traditionally varied and heterogeneous stand, from accessible favorites to the rarest and most sought-after works. A few landmarks and various tributes with fourteen abstract works by Belgian artist Jo Delahaut, a set of five works by Serge Poliakoff, a selection of works by Bram Bogart, and at the head of the stand, a large oil painting in street art mode by Keith Haring in collaboration with his friend LA. All this, enhanced and embellished by a selection of furniture by prestigious contemporary artists in collaboration with London's Carpenters Workshop gallery. Besides, a unique and rare collection of twelve sculptures, wash drawings and watercolors by Rik Wouters, mainly from a Dutch couple in love with our great master and the prestigious Gustave Van Geluwe collection. The bronze "Au Soleil", for example, depicts Nel, the artist's muse and beloved wife, in a romantic pose, leaning back with her head bent, lost in thought. Only six bronzes of this subject are listed by Avermaete in his catalog, two of which belong to public collections. This is one of the masterpieces of the artist and of Belgian sculpture, in a prestigious cast by Petermann, no bronze copy having been offered on the market to our knowledge.


Galerie Hadjer - Dossier de presse

Fernand Léger: An artistic Odyssey in tapestries and succesful collaboration with Aubusson workshop
Fernand Léger, a key figure in twentieth-century art, left an indelible mark on the world of modern art. His bold artistic exploration, fusing cubism and abstraction, extended far beyond painting to embrace textile art. His collaborations with the Aubusson tapestry workshop led to the creation of five emblematic works: : La Grande Parade, Les Constructeurs, Composition murale, Le Bonheur et Composition à la coquille. The exhibition of Fernand Léger's tapestries in Aubusson is much more than just an artistic presentation. It's a celebration of the collaboration between a visionary artist and talented craftsmen. It's a celebration of the collaboration between a visionary artist and talented craftsmen, a meeting between contemporary art and the age-old traditions of textile craftsmanship. It offers visitors a rare opportunity to admire these iconic works in all their splendour, metamorphosed in a new way. metamorphosed into tapestries of exceptional artistic and technical quality.


Segoura Fine Art - Highlight Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt by Louise Abbéma

The rediscovery of a painted sketch for the décor of the foyer public of the theatre Sarah Bernhardt, Place du Châtelet in Paris, is quite exceptional. The many changes of the theatre since it was built have led to the disappearance of the decorative ensemble intended by Sarah Bernhardt and signed by painters Alfons Mucha, Georges Clairin, Louis Besnard and Louise Abbéma. This modello is a unique testimony to the history of the city's theatre. Louise Abbéma's large portrait of Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Jacasse was particularly well suited to the building where Miguel Zamacoïs's play Les Bouffons had been created for the theatre and first performed in January 1907. Louise Abbéma's sensitive portrayal of the actress, theatre director and beloved and the beloved companion she accompanied throughout her life...
Louise Abbéma (1853-1927)
Modello for the Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Jacasse, circa 1907
Oil on canvas
76 x 55.5 cm
Signed lower right Louise Abbéma and dedicated to M. Victor Ullmann


Dalton Somaré - Materia e Forma at BRAFA 2024

The intersection between the plastic power of archaic primitive sculpture shapes and the material of which they were carved is the focus of the Dalton Somaré Gallery’s exhibition for BRAFA 2024. Centuries of devotion and the flow of history which these works of art experienced have changed their appearance making readable the profoundness of their cultural backgrounds. To underline and deepen this connection, the Haute Epoque Sculptures exhibited will be accompanied by large-format black and white photographs.

Maternity, Dogon N'duleri, Mali
17th-18th century
46 cm
Provenance: John J. Klejman, New York; Deborah N. and Philip M. Isaacson, Lewiston, Maine, 1964; Bernard de Grunne, Brussels; Pierre Dartevelle Collection, Brussels; Private Collection, Holland
Publications: Fournier (N.), On 50 by 100 Foot Lot: Glass Walls, Skylights, Privacy Featured in Award Winning Home, The Telegram, Portland, Maine, May 24, 1964; Tribal Art Magazine, #84, 2017; Pierre Dartevelle and Tribal Art, Valérie Dartevelle and Valentine Plisnier, 5Continents ed., Milan, 2020, Vol. II, p. 26


Gallery Sofie Van de Velde - Conceptbooth

Gallery Sofie Van de Velde presenteert met trots een gecureerde groepspresentatie met zowel kunstwerken van kunstenaars vertegenwoordigd door de galerie, alsook hun historische voorgangers en inspiratiebronnen. Het is duidelijk dat hedendaagse kunstenaars zich vrij laten inspireren door voorgaande momenten van artistieke productie, zonder zich te laten beperken door het idee van een lineaire ontwikkeling in het hedendaagse kunstdiscours. Het samenbrengen van het werk van Pieter Jennes, Felix De Clercq, Karin Hanssen, Jesse Tomballe en Charline Tyberghein met Contant Permerke, Kurt Switters, Jean Brusselmans, Bram Bogaert en Eline Rausenberg, wil het dynamische karakter benadrukken van de hedendaagse artistieke praktijken die door Gallery Sofie Van de Velde vertegenwoordigd worden. Als alles al gedaan is, een stelling die vaak verkondigd wordt binnen de kunsten, wil deze presentatie de onbeperkte mogelijkheden benadrukken die dit met zich meebrengt.


Romigioli Antichità Highlights for BRAFA 2024

Romigioli Antichità, a historic Milanese gallery specialised in Haute Epoque managed by brothers Giovanni and Valerio, has chosen Brafa, Europe's oldest art exhibition, as its first event outside Italy. It will feature the best works to represent Italy in the historical periods that best represent it: from medieval paintings with a gold background with works by Lorenzo di Bicci and the Master of Teplice; to Mannerist painting by Francesco di Girolamo di Pace, an artist originally from Prato and a pupil of Salviati in Florence. There will also be Renaissance and Baroque sculpture with the beautiful Carrara marble Cherubs by Giovanni Baratta from the Church of Santo Spirito in Florence. Baroque furniture and still life, classical subjects for the gallery, will represent the elegance of 17th century patrician homes. All the works have been selected and studied by top specialists and come exclusively from private collections.


Gokelaere & Robinson - Highlights

Gokelaere & Robinson is pleased to announce its 8th participation to BRAFA.This year will be dedicated to the best of European, Brazilian and North American 20th century design. Our booth will showcase refined pieces of furniture and decorative objects created by majors designers, including works by Paul Evans, Ado Chale, Gio Ponti, Jorge Zalszupin and Joaquim Tenreiro.


Boon Gallery

The Boon Gallery, founded in 1985, specialises in 20th century masterpieces. Established in Knokke-Le Zoute since 2014, it has become one of the leading art galleries in Europe, developing its international reputation at art fairs in Amsterdam, Brussels, Hong Kong, London, Monaco, Moscow and Paris. It offers an array of high-quality artworks that range from Impressionist to Abstract Art. Selection of highlights by Marc Chagall, Paul Delvaux, Günther Uecker, Jean Dubuffet, Paul Sinac, Hans Hartung, Kim Tschang-Yeul, Barry Flanagan, René Magritte, Victor Vasarely... The Boon Gallery will also present artworks on its booth 26 of the following artists : Pablo ATCHUGARRY, Bram BOGART, Jean BOGHOSSIAN, Fernando BOTERO, Giorgio DE CHIRICO, Piero DORAZIO, Jean-Philippe DUBOSCQ, Sam FRANCIS, Imi KNOEBEL, Walter LEBLANC, Maxime LUTUN, Giacomo MANZÙ, Manolo MILLARES, Jean MIOTTE, Philippe PASTOR, Otto PIENE, Gérard SCHNEIDER, Turi SIMETI, Antoni TÀPIES & Tom WESSELMANN


Univers du Bronze – Press Release

We have selected several masterpieces that offer an overview of sculpture history issue in the 19th and 20th centuries, with iconic models. Modernity will be promoted thanks to two incredible animals by F. X. Lalanne, a Carpe d’or and above all a very rare marble Chat from the original limited edition. The unmissable animalier, François Pompon, will be represented with a Grue couronnée au repos, a true line master jewel. Smooth forms will be used for the new models of sealife animals by Umberto, the elegance of a dancing squid, Knossos and the running-like Méduse. 19th century animaliers will also be there with the exceptional painting by Barye, the Jaguar marchant. A masterpiece by its history and aesthetic. The canvas was included in the after-death sale of Barye, purchased there by Hector Brame, then Ferdinand Barbedienne, before Durand Ruel, who sold it only three days after to Mr and Mrs Potter-Palmer, one of the most powerful collector couple of the time, who contribute to the foundation of the Impressionnist department of the Art Institute of Chicago. Several impressive labels behind the frame of the painting: Art Institute of Chicago; Saginaw Museum; Cleveland Museum of Art. Human figures will be embodied by a polychrom stoneware, probably unique by Sarah Bernhardt depicting a Young Mars, a plaster bust of Victor Hugo by David d’Angers or a very rare lifetime cast of the reduction of the Ugolin by Carpeaux…


Dr. Nöth KUNSTHANDEL + GALERIE - Focus on Lotte Laserstein

This year Dr. Nöth focuses on the German/Swedish artist Lotte Laserstein (1898-1993), shooting star among the woman artists over the past 15 years. One of the first female students at Berlin Academy of Fine Arts in the 1920s, raising star in the early 1930s, then tragically expelled from her country by the Nazis, she found an exile in Sweden in 1937 and could luckily take her paintings with her. The brilliant portraitist she was, she could make a living from her art but was forgotten outside Sweden nonetheless. After two amazing exhibitions at Agnews and Belgrave Gallery in London in 1987 at the end of her life she was forgotten again, only to be rediscovered in 2010 when her masterpiece “Evening over Potsdam” sold for half a million Euros at Sotheby’s in London. This unexpected result for an “unknown” artist set a turbulent development of prices in motion which has not come to an end yet. She had single artist shows in Frankfurt, Berlin, Basel, Stockholm and Malmö. Beside many private collectors, German and US-American museums have started buying her paintings for their collections...


Rodolphe Janssen - Persbericht

Voor de 2024 editie wendt de galerie zich tot het ultieme klassieke thema “Stilleven” of “Nature Morte”. Daarbij kiest ze voor een dialoog door de eeuwen heen, tussen recente en historische werken. Een 17e-eeuws boeket van Jacob Marrel, een gravure van Ensor, een tekening van Rops en een van Magritte zullen in gesprek gaan met meer hedendaagse werken uit de galerie. Op die manier schijnt een nieuw licht op dit historische onderwerp. De selectie, die schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken, foto’s en tekeningen omvat herondekt de thema’s van “stilleven” en “Nature Morte”, terwijl het ook de weg opent naar een grotere verkenningen van het vanitas thema of de object schilderkunst. Kunstenaars: David Adamo, Genesis Belanger, Fred Bervoets, Bram Bogart, Matt Hansel, Sean Landers, Thomas Lerooy, Dan McCarthy, Alvin Ong, Tom Poelmans, Emily Mae Smith, Stephen Shore, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Gert & Uwe Tobias, Léon Wuidar, ...

Brafa opent het jaar en voor ons is het belangrijk om deel te nemen met een standvoorstel dat conceptueel heel anders is dan op andere beurzen.  We hebben een project ontworpen voor Brafa, haar diverse publiek en interdisciplinaire verzamelaars - wier interesses een groot aantal specialiteiten doorkruisen, niet alleen hedendaagse kunst – dat tegelijkertijd didactisch, hedendaags en historisch is, maar bovenal vol ontdekkingen.”
— Rodolphe Janssen


Ralph Gierhards Antiques /Fine Art - Press Release

Ralph Gierhards is delighted to be exhibiting at the BRAFA fair in 2024 and will be presenting some of his favourite pieces. He is bringing an exciting mix of Classical furniture, sculpture and gilt-bronze mounted objects but also some important paintings as showcased by this rare and recently discovered 17th century Flemish female artist, Maria Tassaert. Ralph is an expert and real connoisseur of pietre dure and Italian Grand Tour pieces as highlighted by this important hard stone-mounted cabinet which once formed part of the world-famous Gilbert Collection. Ralph will also be offering other highly colourful pietre dure, scagliola and micromosaic pieces (often incredibly as full-size paintings). These are always a massive pleasure of discovery for the visitors and keen buyers of unusual pieces. Ralph will be joined on his stand by Belgian national and fellow colleague François Le Brun from Le Brun Antiques & Works of Art, London...


Robertaebasta - Press Release

The Robertaebasta Galleries of Milan and London are very pleased to be present again this year, at the prestigious Brafa exhibition in Brussels; a fixed appointment in our calendar, and a destination transversally coveted by exhibitors and collectors from all over the world. Given the premises it represents an extremely stimulating research process for our reality, focused on the selection of unique works of art and pieces of furniture, able to amaze for their refinement, deserving historical collocation within the Decorative Arts of the 20th century. In the selection dedicated to Brafa 2024 we would like to mention two chests of drawers designed by Gio Ponti (1891-1979) for the suites of the Royal Hotel in Naples in the mid-1950s, excellent examples of the Italian architect's distinctive style and his ability to combine aesthetics and functionality...


Florian Kolhammer - Tribute to Georg Klimt

The underestimated hardly honored master Georg Klimt
Anyone interested in Austrian art circa 1900 cannot avoid the name “Klimt“. The Viennese painter Gustav Klimt is now a recognized name worldwide, found in the world‘s leading museums and an important factor in the art market. Georg Klimt, the younger brother of Gustav and Ernst Klimt, was born in 1867, the fifth of seven children. He began his artistic career attending the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1889 to 1896, where he studied chasing, engraving, and sculpture. After his training, Georg set up his own business in Vienna and worked as a teacher at the Art School for Women and Girls from 1901 to 1922. His life was closely connected with the art scene in Vienna circa 1900. Thus, he received early commissions from his brother Gustav and his colleagues.Among other things, he crafted his parents‘ burial cross and numerous copper frames for his brother‘s paintings. He also received commissions from the Wiener Werkstätte and other institutions...



Whitford Fine Art - Press release

For BRAFA 2024, the Paul Delvaux Foundation has seized the opportunity to take part in the ‘Year of Surrealism’ and shine a spotlight on the great master’s work. For its 14th uninterrupted participation in BRAFA, Whitford Fine Art will be bringing sculpture which pays tribute to Surrealism and which forms part of the wider celebration of 100 years of Surrealism in 2024.
CLIVE BARKER (UK, b. 1940): HOMAGES to RENÉ MAGRITTE (Belgium, 1898-1967)
In 1964, the 24-year-old Pop Artist Clive Barker met the 66 year old René Magritte at the Hanover Galley in London. Barker expressed his admiration for the Belgian Surrealist following his death in 1967 with the works Magritte’s Pipe and Madame Magritte’s Pipe, which feature as iconic themes of the Belgian Surrealist painter’s subject matter...
KIM HAMISKY (Vietnam 1943-France 2002)
nitially trained as a painter, Hamisky turned to sculpture after becoming the son-in-law of Claude and François-Xavier Lalanne in 1969. Over the years, key to his iconography was the alteration of the practicality of objects as in the present sculpture Le Complex de Janus (1981). The latter addresses the duality of the positive and negative, of the inside and outside of an everyday piece of furniture, pushing the technical limits of any sculptor, and touching on the surreal...


Richard Saltoun Gallery - Press Release

Textile Pioneers 
Richard Saltoun Gallery presents a group stand of some of the most renowned Post-war female textile artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz (Poland 1930-2017, Olga de Amaral (Colombia, 1932), Jagoda Buić (Croatia, 1930-2022), Ewa Pachucka (Poland, 1936-2020) and Barbara Levittoux-Świderska (Poland, 1933-2019). Each of the featured artists is widely recognised for their contributions to elevating the tapestry tradition from a specifically feminine, decorative, and low art form to a fine art context in the Post-war period. Notably, Abakanowicz, Buić, Pachucka and de Amaral were all included in MoMA’s pivotal 1969 exhibition Wall Hangings, the first museum exhibition to contextualise textile works within the realm of visual art.


Samuel Vanhoegaerden Gallery - Focus on Tom Wesselmann

Samuel Vanhoegaerden galerij wijdt deze Brafa-editie volledig aan Tom Wesselmann (1931-2004), één van de leidinggevende figuren van de Pop Art. De tentoongestelde collectie is het resultaat van jarenlang zorgvuldig zoeken en verzamelen over de ganse wereld. Aangezien vele werken zich in reeds in musea en internationale verzamelingen bevinden, is dit een uitzonderlijke tentoonstelling voor ons land.
Tom Wesselmann: Steelcuts & other works
Zijn vroegste werken: collages van Amerikaanse huiskamers De eerste werken van Tom Wesselmann dateren van eind jaren ’50, begin ’60 en waren voornamelijk collages gemaakt van behangpapier en advertenties, soms gecombineerd met geschilderde naakten in Amerikaanse interieurs. Deze werken zijn uiterst zeldzaam en op Brafa zullen hiervan 2 kleine werkjes getoond worden.


Galerie Christophe Gaillard - Highlights

Established in Paris in 2007, Galerie Christophe Gaillard is delighted to highlight the recent inauguration of our Brussels gallery in September of 2023. Galerie Christophe Gaillard has been not only been serving as a platform for emerging artists, but represents renowned figures in contemporary art too. Furthermore, the gallery seeks to elevate the relevance of established artists spanning the 1960s to the 1990s by closely collaborating with the estates. By participating in BRAFA 2024 - marking our debut in this art fair - our aim is to offer Belgian audiences an insight into the gallery's distinctive identity. We achieve this by fostering meaningful dialogues between the gallery’s different axes, showcasing the diverse artistic expressions that define Galerie Christophe Gaillard. We will present works by Éric Baudart, Bina Baitel, Stéphane Couturier, Hélène Delprat, Julien des Monstiers, Marina Gadonneix, Tetsumi Kudo, Georges Noël, Richard Nonas, Germaine Richier, Ursula Schultze-Bluhm, Ceija Stojka, Pierre Tal Coat, Philippe Vandenberg, Franz West...

Tetsumi Kudo (Japan, 1935-1990)
Cage et Oiseau / Miroir, 1976  
Plastic flower, metal cage, mirror, bird, electronic components, earth, resin, glue, cellulose, paint and wooden base 
H 37.5 x W 20 x D 11 cm
Signed on the bottom 


Galerie de la Béraudière - Surrealist highlights

Cette année 2024, anniversaire de la publication du premier Manifeste du surréalisme par André Bréton, marque les 100 ans de ce mouvement artistique et littéraire qui trouve ses racines dans le dadaïsme et qui a profondément influencé la création artistique du XX siècle. La Galerie de la Béraudière a toujours centré son intérêt sur les avant-gardes du XXe siècle, avec un intérêt particulier pour le Surréalisme. C’est donc avec un plaisir particulier que, lors de la BRAFA 2024, une belle sélection d’œuvres majeures des maîtres surréalistes sera présentée sur notre stand. René Magritte, Max Ernst et André Masson seront mis à l’honneur parmi d’autres artistes de différentes inspirations, dans un dialogue éclectique et enrichissant...


Galerie La Forest Divonne - Highlights

Galerie La Forest Divonne presents two great painters of Hungarian origin: Alexandre Hollan and Jeff KowatchAlexandre Hollan concentrates on two unique subjects: the trees he spends all summer painting, and the still lifes (his «Vie Silencieuse») he paints in winter, in the silence of his studio... Jeff Kowatch has developed a colourist’s style marked by the great American abstractionists, from Mark Rothko to Brice Marden, and, in terms of technique, by the great Flemish painters, Rembrandt in particular, whose linseed oil recipes he has re-appropriated, giving his painting a particular effect of depth and transparency, typical of the glazes of the North. Aside these two contemporary masters, who have the rare quality of stopping time to touch a deep and universal emotion, the gallery highlights the fascinating furniture of two sculptor-designer: François Cante Pacos and Gerard Kuijpers. French artist, born in 1946, François Cante Pacos is a painter, sculptor and designer. In the 1970s, he designed furniture for Pierre Cardin and created the acronym for his famous «Espace», where the great couturier regularly exhibited his work... Born in 1962, Gerard Kuijpers is a Flemish artist, sculptor and designer based in Mechelen. He is renowned for his pure use of stone and steel. He transforms the most massive and crude of materials into an almost featherweight...


Galerie Jean-François Cazeau - Highlights

Galerie Jean-François Cazeau, based in the Marais district of Paris since 2009, builds bridges between the Modern Masters and post-war on both sides of the Atlantic, while opening up to contemporary art. This year, for its sixth participation in BRAFA, the gallery is presenting an  exhibition that highlighting the links between the avant-gardes of the first part of the 20th century and Post-War, while remaining true to its characteristic eclecticism...

Pablo Picasso (Malaga 1881-1973 Mougins)
Jacqueline au chapeau noir (Tête de femme), 16 mars 1962, Mougins
Linocut in colours on cream Arches wove paper
Image: 64 x 52.7 cm
Sheet: 75.2 x 62 cm
Signed 'Picasso' by the artist lower right and inscribed 'épreuve d'artiste' lower left
Published at 50 copies by Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris in 1963
Printed by Hidalgo Arnera, Vallauris
Provenance: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris; Private collection, France


Stern Pissarro Gallery - Highlights

Every year Stern Pissarro Gallery brings exciting new works by Christo, an artist that is well collected throughout Europe. Depicting his extraordinary Central Park installation, this particular example is an impressive work by Christo with undeniable wall-power. It features the original saffron fabric used throughout the project, giving the work a textured, threedimensional appearance...


Repetto Gallery - Highlights

An imaginary journey from the metaphysical atmospheres of the great master Giorgio de Chirico, through the natural and urban landscapes wrapped by Christo, to the chromatic materiality of Bram Bogart's sculptures and the immersive scenes depicted by Salvo. For Brafa 2024, Repetto Gallery proposes an important selection that, in addition to the artists mentioned above, includes some of the greatest artists of the 20th century...


Baronian - Highlights

Michèle Frère (Belgian, 1961-1999)
Untitled, 1996
Oil on paper mounted on canvas
80 x 120 cm
Private collection, Belgium
Characterized by sedimentations and superimpositions of layers of paint, Michel Frère’s work allies opacity and light. His work transforms reality, sweeping away figurative elements with matter...


N. Vrouyr - Highlights 2024

Het is vanzelfsprekend dat de Amsterdamse School een vooraanstaande rol gespeeld heeft bij het ontstaan van de nieuwe tendensen van de textielwereld in Nederland net voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Nauw verbonden met de natuur verwijzen de ontwerpen vaak naar een gestileerde plantenwereld, en ondanks de duidelijke verwantschap met de andere Europese strekking, blijft het Hollands concept zeer herkenbaar...
Jaap Gidding (Rotterdam, 10 mei 1887 - Hillegersberg, 23 april 1955) was een Nederlands ontwerper. Hij was actief als tekenaar, schilder, glasschilder, wandschilder, decoratieschilder (van interieurs), keramist, edelsmid, sieraadontwerper, interieurontwerper, monumentaal kunstenaar, textielkunstenaar, en vervaardiger van mozaïek...


Galerie Flak - Press kit

KATSINA CALLING, Hopi ritual figures of Arizona, Ancient Arts of North America 
For hundreds of years, atop the mesas of Arizona, masked and costumed dancers have gathered week after week on the plaza - the large rectangular central square of the Hopi village - to pray for rain and germination. They represent Kachina spirits or 'katsina' (plural katsinam), a term signifying both wooden figurine, masked dancer, and deity. Objects of tradition and of education, tools to remember and works of art in their own right, katsina dolls give vibrant testimony to the traditions and secret beliefs of Native Americans of the Southwest...
Since the early 20th century, illustrious predecessors such as the Surrealists around André Breton or Max Ernst, as well as Claude Lévi-Strauss, André Malraux, or Jacques Lacan, have all fallen under the spell of these polychrome wooden dolls. In turn, these pioneers have passed on their passion to entire generations of collectors. Thus, katsinam have remained, since their discovery over a hundred years ago, an endless source of dreams, poetry, and inspiration...
20 years in the making, this exhibition entitled 'Katsina Calling' presents an exceptional collection of several dozen antique Katsina dolls dating from the 1880s to the 1930s...
Cross Crown, Four-Corner Cloud, Nahoile-chiwakopachoki Katsina doll, Hopi, Arizona, Carved cottonwood, natural pigments, Circa 1910s or earlier, H 32 cm, Ex collection George Everett Shaw, Colorado