virtual tour
Arnaud Jaspar Costermans
Place du Grand Sablon 5
BE-1000 Brussels
t. +32 (0)2 512 21 33 | m. +32 (0)475 58 56 71

Costermans is based in the historic Sablon district of Brussels. The gallery occupies a private mansion recognised as a historic monument: the Hôtel du Chastel de la Howarderie, built around 1780. Representing the family's sixth generation of antique dealers, Arnaud Jaspar Costermans specialises in precious European furniture and the decorative arts of the 18th and 19th centuries. Over the years, the gallery has developed a new section focusing on paintings by the great Flemish and Dutch old masters of the 16th and 17th centuries. Costermans offers visitors a wide range of works of art selected with all the care and professionalism of a family of ROCAD members. It has itself been affiliated to the CINOA confederation since 1947.
Founded : 1839
Old Masters, furniture and works of art from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries
C.I.N.O.A. Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art, ROCAD (Royal Chamber of Art dealers), S.N.A. Syndicat National des Antiquaires Négociants en Objets d'Art Tableaux anciens et modernes de France
Paris Tableau, La Biennale Paris