Rua Áurea 166-170
PT-1100-064 Lisbon
t. +351 213 859 068 | m. +351 924 397 860

J. Baptista – Jewelry, Silverware, and Antiques Lda is a renowned establishment specialising in Portuguese jewelry and silver, as well as pieces from international jewelers. With a legacy spanning three generations, it has become a key player on the national and international markets. Licensed as Official Appraisers by the Portuguese Mint (INCM) and working with qualified gemologists, the company has 60 years of expertise in assessing and trading antique jewelry and silver. J. Baptista's commitment to quality is reflected in its participation in international fairs, membership in APA, LAPADA, and CINOA, and its reputation for offering unique pieces that connect deeply with clients.
Antique jewelry and silver
A.P.A. Associação Portuguesa de Antiquários, L.A.P.A.D.A. Association of Art and Antiques Dealers, C.I.N.O.A. Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art
LAPADA Art & Antiques Fair - London, Olympia Arts and Antiques Fair London, Palm Beach Jewelry & Antique Show, Lisbon Art and Antiques Fair (LAAF)