(Re) Tracing collections

Steve Bandoma (Kinshasa, 1981), Corvée, 2020 © Steve Bandoma

Leuvensesteenweg 13
3080 Tervuren
19.01.2024 > 24.09.2024

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(Re) Tracing collections

An exhibition focusing on research into the provenance of the AfricaMuseum's collections. This exhibition explores new contemporary interpretations and future perspectives. Most of these collections were acquired during the colonial period in the present-day Democratic Republic of Congo. By questioning the origins of its collections, the museum aims to contribute to a debate on its history and its impact on society.

19.01.2024 > 24.09.2024



Place de l’Atomium
1020 Brussels
03.02.2023 >

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A digital experience, immersing you in sound & light. The Atomium has invited the artist collective Visual System to occupy its exhibition spaces, devoting its programme to digital art. RESTART, a temporary exhibition, will depict the Atomium in light and sound. This original project exploits the magic of the space and accentuates the building's heritage richness.

03.02.2023 >


Belgium has been hiding a treasure for 600 years


Royal Library of Belgium – KBR Museum
Monts des Arts 28
1000 Brussels
01.09.2023 >

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Belgium has been hiding a treasure for 600 years

Six centuries ago, Brussels belonged to the rich and powerful Dukes of Burgundy. The Dukes were skilled politicians and cultured patrons, and established one of the most prestigious manuscript collections in the world, a unique treasure. The collection is started by Philip the Bold (1342-1404). After the death of Charles the Bold in 1477, the ducal library consists of more than 900 manuscripts, of which a third is preserved at KBR today. At the intersection of medieval and modern times, this 'Library' covers all areas of science and contains very important texts from medieval literature. It is one of the largest libraries of its time, together with the library of the French kings, the Medici and the Vatican Library. The manuscripts are illuminated by some of the best miniaturists of the 15th century, of whom were arguably just as famous as Jan Van Eyck. In order to preserve these fragile wonders, KBR changes the exhibits 2 times a year. 

01.09.2023 >


Belgian Art Nouveau. Van de Velde, Serrurier-Bovy, Hankar & Co

Maison Hannon © David Plas

Maison Hannon
Avenue de la Jonction 1
1060 Brussels
01.06.2023 > 02.02.2025

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Belgian Art Nouveau. Van de Velde, Serrurier-Bovy, Hankar & Co

In the Saint-Gilles district of Brussels, a sleeping beauty is awakening. The Hannon couple's home, a little gem of Franco-Belgian art nouveau, has reopened after 7 years of renovation. For its first exhibition, the Maison Hannon presents Belgian Art Nouveau in all its diversity, through a wide range of art pieces from public and private collections, many of which have never been seen before. Art nouveau. A style? More like a state of mind, and an insatiable faith in modernity. In 1900, whilst the Industrial Revolution was at its peak, Brussels was the field of experimentation for a subversive style. While Victor Horta addressed himself to a wealthy clientele, Paul Hankar, Henry van de Velde and Gustave Serrurier-Bovy worked together to invent a modern way of life that was simpler and less cluttered, with the aim of popularising it. Through this committed approach, they sought to be pioneers of change and to establish the foundations of a first modernity.
Curators: Werner Adriaenssens - Grégory Van Aelbrouck

01.06.2023 > 02.02.2025


Pre-Columbian art. Collection Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts

© MAS - Tom Van Ghent

MAS - Museum Aan de Stroom
Hanzestedeplaats 1
2000 Antwerp
01.09.2023 >

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Pre-Columbian art. Collection Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts

In the highest museum gallery in the MAS, a world-famous collection – which was gathered by Dora Janssen-Arts over many years – tells us about the extraordinary relationship between man and the world of gods, ancestors and spirits in America before the conquest by the Europeans. The Paul & Dora Janssen-Arts Collection consists of more than 400 pre-Columbian objects in gold, jade, stone, textiles and shell. The objects come from more than 50 different cultures, from Alaska to Chile, and bear witness to the craftmanship and the sense of aesthetics of their creators in America before 1500. There were many differences between the inhabitants of the American continent, but their vision of the world around them was strikingly similar. Human sacrifice was considered essential in order to ensure continuity between life and death. Fertility rituals across the continent assumed various forms but was always central in the pre-Hispanic environment. Precious grave gifts, often made from gold, reflected the importance of life after death, shared by all the communities represented here, from Alaska to Chile.

01.09.2023 >


Open Air Sculpture Park

Richard Deacon, Never Mind, 1993-2017, Copyright of the artist, Photo Ans Brys

Middelheim Museum - Open Air Sculpture Park
Middelheimlaan 61
2020 Antwerp
01.09.2023 >

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Open Air Sculpture Park

The Middelheim Museum is a unique institution where the amazing interplay between art and nature results in exceptional experiences. The art park showcases modern and contemporary sculptures amidst a green park setting. Works by artists such as Auguste Rodin, Henry Moore, Rik Wouters, Isa Genzken, Chris Burden, Ana Mendieta, Jean Katambayi, Barbara Hepworth, Bruce Nauman, Germaine Richier, Pascale Marthine Tayou provide a unique overview of more than a century of visual arts.

01.09.2023 >


Restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece

Sint-Baafskathedraal © www.lukasweb.be - Art in Flanders vzw, foto KIK-IRPA, Brussels

MSK - Museum of Fine Arts
Fernand Scribedreef 1
9000 Ghent
02.05.2023 > 01.03.2026

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Restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece

From 2023, seven panels of The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by the Van Eyck brothers (more commonly known as the Ghent Altarpiece) will be restored in the heart of the MSK. Audiences could already follow the campaign from 2012 to 2019, and now the remaining panels are coming to the museum for the final restoration phase. During the week, you can see the restorers of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK) live at work, in the studio behind glass.


02.05.2023 > 01.03.2026


Seneffe at the time of the Philippsons

Domaine du Château de Seneffe / Silver Museum of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Rue Lucien Plasman 7-9 / 7180 Seneffe
10.09.2023 > 31.12.2024

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Seneffe at the time of the Philippsons

Follow the life of the Philippson family in their ‘country house’ in Seneffe (1909-1952). Discover the twentieth-century innovations introduced into both the house and the park during the heritage restoration. Photos from the period, layout plans, archive documents and decorative art elements are put into perspective to further our understanding of the evolution of the eighteenth-century castle with the innovation of the twentieth century under the impetus of a renowned family.

Also on view
Think Nature / 07 Oct 2023 > 01 Sep 2024
The artist Mr Plant is coming to the Seneffe’s Castle for a poetic, unusual and contemporary exhibition. His plant-based, offbeat installations combine the dramatisation of objects from the museum's collections with the enhancement of the interior decor of the eighteenth-century neoclassical castle. His view of nature and current social concerns make a link with the ideas advocated by the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Visitors will be able to take this unusual walk, accompanied by a quirky ‘character’, and to have their photo taken. Nature will speak to them.

10.09.2023 > 31.12.2024