Galerie Marc Maison
Pierre-Ferdinand Duvinage (France, 1823-1876)
Guéridon with a marquetry top resting on three sacred ibises, circa 1874-1876
Gilt bronze, silver, copper, ivory, wood marquetry of various species (top); gilt wooden base with polychromy
H 83 x Ø 77 cm
Provenance: former Roberto Polo collection
Literature: Marc Maison et Emmanuelle Arnauld, Marqueteries virtuoses au XIXe siècle. Brevets d’invention, Éditions Faton, 2012; Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, Maison Giroux and its 'Oriental' Marquetry Technique. The Journal of the Furniture History Society, vol. XXXV, 1999; Roberto Polo. The Eye, Frances Lincoln Publisher Ltd., 2011; Bill Pallot, Marqueteries en cloisonné de la veuve Duvinage, dans L’Estampille-L’Objet d’art, septembre 2007
The top of this splendid pedestal table was crafted using a technique patented by Duvinage on May 6th, 1874, described as "a type of mosaic with metal cloisons for furniture and art objects." The ivory plaques covering the surface are separated by a network of gilt metal resembling branches, whilst the central motif is a delicate marquetry of multicoloured wood. To enhance the luxuriousness of the piece, some of the leaves are made of silver. This extraordinary marquetry work is combined with three majestic sacred ibises, birds characteristic of the Nile region in Antiquity, revered by the Egyptians as divine symbols.