Brussels 1893, the birth of Art Nouveau

by Benjamin Zurstrassen, Curator at the Horta Museum
The talk will analyse the reasons for the birth of Art Nouveau, an unprecedented artistic and architectural form of expression in Brussels around 1893: its identity, its contradictions and how it differed from the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain. The anniversaries and the names of the great architectural styles often conceal nuances, secrets and explanations that call into question what Art Nouveau really was, its manifestations and its protagonists.
Talk given in: French
Join us at 4pm at the stand King Baudouin Foundation n°131
The talk will analyse the reasons for the birth of Art Nouveau, an unprecedented artistic and architectural form of expression in Brussels around 1893: its identity, its contradictions and how it differed from the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain. The anniversaries and the names of the great architectural styles often conceal nuances, secrets and explanations that call into question what Art Nouveau really was, its manifestations and its protagonists.
Talk given in: French
Join us at 4pm at the stand King Baudouin Foundation n°131