The manuscript of the Battle of Austerlitz dictated and corrected by Napoleon I

By Alizée Raux, Galerie Arts & Autographes (Paris)
TALK given in French - Watch the talk HERE
Founded in 1975 and located now in Paris, the gallery Arts et Autographes is strongly specialized in historical documents. Then over the years more, they expanded into the musical and fine arts. Jean-Emmanuel Raux has become an expert in manuscripts in France. With the arrival of his daughter, Alizée Raux, the gallery takes a new turn by diversifying into modern and contemporary art paintings. Alizee’s goal is to associate a manuscript of a painter with his painting to show the theoretical part of his art, his character, his friendships and his relationships.
To mark their first participation in BRAFA, the French gallery Arts & Autographes is presenting an exceptional manuscript on the battle of Austerlitz, dictated and corrected by Napoleon I. This precious document is composed of a manuscript of 74 pages dictated by the Emperor to General Bertrand in Sainte Hélène, and annotated in several places in Napoleon I’s hand. It is accompanied by a map of the battle of Austerlitz drawn by General Bertrand on tracing paper.
The battle of Austerlitz, also known as the ‘battle of Three Emperors’ took place on Monday 2 December 1805, (11th frimaire, year XIV of the French Republican Calendar), in a place now situated in the Czech Republic. After nine hours of fighting, Napoleon I’s Great Army – despite its inferiority in numbers – beat the forces of the Third Coalition, which dissolved following the battle. This event is considered Napoleon’s tactical masterpiece and is still taught today in military schools. A great preface to the bicentenary celebrations of Napoleon I’s death to be held in 2021!
TALK given in French - Watch the talk HERE
Founded in 1975 and located now in Paris, the gallery Arts et Autographes is strongly specialized in historical documents. Then over the years more, they expanded into the musical and fine arts. Jean-Emmanuel Raux has become an expert in manuscripts in France. With the arrival of his daughter, Alizée Raux, the gallery takes a new turn by diversifying into modern and contemporary art paintings. Alizee’s goal is to associate a manuscript of a painter with his painting to show the theoretical part of his art, his character, his friendships and his relationships.
To mark their first participation in BRAFA, the French gallery Arts & Autographes is presenting an exceptional manuscript on the battle of Austerlitz, dictated and corrected by Napoleon I. This precious document is composed of a manuscript of 74 pages dictated by the Emperor to General Bertrand in Sainte Hélène, and annotated in several places in Napoleon I’s hand. It is accompanied by a map of the battle of Austerlitz drawn by General Bertrand on tracing paper.
The battle of Austerlitz, also known as the ‘battle of Three Emperors’ took place on Monday 2 December 1805, (11th frimaire, year XIV of the French Republican Calendar), in a place now situated in the Czech Republic. After nine hours of fighting, Napoleon I’s Great Army – despite its inferiority in numbers – beat the forces of the Third Coalition, which dissolved following the battle. This event is considered Napoleon’s tactical masterpiece and is still taught today in military schools. A great preface to the bicentenary celebrations of Napoleon I’s death to be held in 2021!