Journey to the heart of an artwork

By François de Callataÿ, Head of Department, Royal Library of Belgium
Lieve Watteeuw, Illuminare - Studiecentrum voor Middeleeuwse Kunst, K.U.Leuven - Faculteit Letteren
Fiona Lebecque, Assistant Curator, the Archaeological Society of Namur
The human sciences and exact sciences have often been considered to have little or nothing in common. However, studying an artwork from the point of view of a chemist or physicist is a very enriching experience! The analysis of the mitres of Jacques de Vitry illustrates their discussion.
Languages: FR & NL
Lieve Watteeuw, Illuminare - Studiecentrum voor Middeleeuwse Kunst, K.U.Leuven - Faculteit Letteren
Fiona Lebecque, Assistant Curator, the Archaeological Society of Namur
The human sciences and exact sciences have often been considered to have little or nothing in common. However, studying an artwork from the point of view of a chemist or physicist is a very enriching experience! The analysis of the mitres of Jacques de Vitry illustrates their discussion.
Languages: FR & NL